Yes, in most situations, although there are certain exceptions. Student credit cards, unlike most normal credit cards, are available to college students. They often have less rigorous qualifying standards, so you may be able to apply even if you don’t have a long credit history. If you are not a student but have a low …
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What is a Student Credit Card?
Whether you’re borrowing money for a home, a vehicle, or a cheaper interest rate on a credit card, your credit report and score play a major part in your financial life. You generally don’t have enough financial history to generate a credit report if you’re young and still in school. According to the Consumer Financial …
How to Qualify for Student Car Insurance Discounts?
If you are the parent of a teen driver, you understand the agony of your auto insurance bill. Parents who add a young driver to their policy should anticipate their premiums to at least double. We compared prices from more than 90 vehicle insurance providers and discovered that adding a juvenile driver resulted in an …